tikieurope.com - Taky Tiki - Prague - Czech Republic - Anything and everything about Tiki Bars in Europe
Type: Neo Tiki Bars Built: March 2006 Interior Design: Jason Adams Address: Cimburkova 22 City: 130 00 Prague Metro: Jiriho z Podebrad / Buses: Tram 5, 9, 26 T: +420 607 832 600 www.tikitaky.cz Czech and english www.facebook.com/tikitaky www.myspace.com/takytiki Open: Weekdays 8 pm to 1 am
Weekends 8 pm to 2.30 am
Polynesian Culture is alive and well in Zizkov.
Established in 2006 as "Taky Tiki", Prague’s first fully integrated
and authentic Tiki bar has recently got a face lift and has been
re-launched as "Tiki Taky".
Things are humming more than ever with our delicious chilled
cocktails and renovated South Pacific décor. Bamboo’d wall to wall,
with slick new furniture and combining the right balance of flowers
and lighting with an amazing collection of replicated and original
Tropicana - the interior of this magical place appears as if you
entered a time and place from years long gone. Offering an extensive
range of spirits, along with wine and the recent return of draft beer
Pilsner Urquell - You can make any day a vacation day at Tiki Taky.
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