tikieurope.com - Lola Lo - Brighton - United Kingdom - Anything and everything about Tiki Bars in Europe
Type: Neo Tiki Bars Built: Spring 2010 Interior Design: Cheekytiki Address: Unit 2 75-79 East Street City: BN1 1NF Brighton T: ++44 7793 778253 or ++44 1273 777 904 www.lolalobrighton.com English twitter.com/LolaLoBrighton instagram.com/lolalobrighton/ promotions@lolalobrighton.com Open: Monday - Saturday from 8 pm to 3 am Closed: Sunday or available for private hire. Specials: Every night a different theme, like;
Tropical heat, Aloha!, Zombie Nation and so on....
Lola Lo,located a hop skip and a jump from the beach and Brightons famous pier is a basement bar/ club designed and built by Cheekytiki.
The design is based on pin up Hula girl on Easter Island, with Moais throughout, Kava Kava men and Rapa nui inspired pieces.
There are two bars one being on the dancefloor flanked by light up moai and a Hibiscus flower ceiling feature.
There is a full menu of Tiki drinks served in awide range of unique mugs and bowls
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